GBIF Data portal
(2,978,069,842 Cases)
GBIF Data portal("GBIF Data Portal Homepage"
) provides three methods for searching and accessing more than 800 bio-diversity database entries which are shared through the GBIF network. Currently, the main server of the GBIF Portal is located in the GBIF Secretariat located in Demark. In order to ensure steady access and prompt data processing, mirror servers are being operated by BGBM of Germany, which is the representative of the European members, and NBII, which is the representative of the American members.
- Browse by species.
- This is the data searching feature for species or other entity groups. Here, it is possible to search the plants, animals, fungi, or micro-organisms by their classes, scientific names, and commonly used names.
- Browse by states
- This is the data searching feature for species recorded by certain states. It is possible to search and access the species information provided by each state (including the records shared by the providers of the GBIF network).
- Browse by data groups
- In this mode, the data can be searched and accessed by providers, data groups, and data networks. In the data group, it is possible to access the information on the data providers who share the data, data groups, and the data network (including the summary of the 36,989 data groups of 1,125 data providers).
- Sharing and linking between the GBIF data portal and KBIF data portal
- KBIF links and shares the data with GBIF by establishing the IPT (Integrated Publishing Toolkit) servers for registering the domestic bio-diversity resources information with the GBIF and the KDR (KBIF Data Repository).